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REvivED water at Euromembrane 2018

23 Jul 2018

The REvivED water project updated the membrane community about our latest achievements at the Euromembrane 2018 conference, that was organised in Valencia from the 9th until the 13th of July 2018. The following presentations were delivered:


REvivED Water featured in Pan European Networks

16 Mar 2018

REvivED water is one of the topics presented as part of a special feature on water innovation in the Pan European Networks Science & Technology journal, issue 25. In "Destination Desalination", Natalie Tiggelman of Fujifilm explains how this novel electrodialysis application works and presents its advantages. 

Issue 25 was published online on 7th December 2017 and the estimated audience this publication reaches is 210,000 readers. 


TV show coverage of the REvivED water activities

5 Mar 2018

Andrea Cipollina, Senior Researcher at Università di Palermo’ Department of Chemical Engineering, was invited on the Italian TV programme Memex on Rai Scuola to briefly speak about the electrodialysis process employed as part of the REvivED project. This edition was aired on the 3rd October 2017.